Explained: Modern Pentathlon

When it comes to uniqueness, no Olympic sport comes close to the modern pentathlon.

Inspired by the traditional pentathlon held during the ancient Olympics, the multi-discipline sport has been a staple of the Games since its modern revamp was introduced in 1912, but only since Sydney 2000 has there been an individual women’s event.

Devised by none other than Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympics, modern pentathlon requires competitors to master fencing, freestyle swimming, show jumping, shooting and cross-country running in the ultimate test of physical fitness, coordination, self-discipline and flexibility.

Team GB won both golds on offer in Tokyo so will have a target on their backs in Paris – here is all you need to know about the event.

What happens in modern pentathlon?

Modern pentathlon is made up of five disciplines as athletes test their rounded skillset in fencing, swimming, riding, shooting and running.

The latter two are combined in the final event of the competition: the laser run.

Where is the modern pentathlon held?

For Paris 2024, the modern pentathlon will take place at the Palace of Versailles and the Vélodrome National, with 36 athletes competing in both the men’s and women’s events.

Who invented modern pentathlon?

A soldier's game, modern pentathlon is believed to have been created by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games, to replicate the experience of a 19th-century cavalry soldier behind enemy lines.

What is the format?

After the fencing ranking round, the brand new 90-minute action-packed format will make its Olympic debut for the semi-finals and finals in Paris:

  • 35 minutes of equestrian (jumping)

  • Break (5 minutes)

  • 20 minutes of fencing (épee) - bonus round

  • Break (10 minutes)

  • 15 minutes of swimming (200m freestyle)

  • Break (15 minutes)

  • 20 minutes combined event (laser run)

What happens in riding during the modern pentathlon?

The event starts with a round of show jumping, where athletes are assigned an unfamiliar horse before attempting a course with 12 obstacles. Competitors have 20 minutes of practice with their new horse before the action starts.

Athletes who compete the course with a clear round in the time limit will score 300 points, with points deducted for penalties.

Paris 2024 will be the last time horse riding is included in the programme.

What happens in fencing during the modern pentathlon?

Then it’s over to fencing, which is split into two rounds: a ranking round where each athlete competes against each other athlete in a bout lasting one minute or until the first hit, and a second round based on the results of the first round.

The format of the second round is single elimination, with each bout lasting 45 seconds. Points are scored for winning each bout.

How long is the swimming event in modern pentathlon?

Next, it's a quick dip in the pool for a 200m freestyle race.

A time of two minutes and 30 seconds or faster will receive a score of 250 points, with points added or dropped for every second faster or slower.

What is the laser-run in modern pentathlon?

Finally, it’s the laser-run – a combined event that puts shooting and running together.

The overall points leader will set off first in a staggered start, with each successive athlete starting according to a handicap based on their points deficit to the leader to the tune of one point equals one second.

Over a 3.2km course, athletes must stop four times throughout the run to shoot at targets with a laser pistol.

Each round, they must remain at the target until they secure five hits or until 50 seconds have passed.

How is the Olympic champion crowned in modern pentathlon?

In a final dash for the finish line at the end of the laser-run, it's all or nothing, with the first person across the tape granted the title of champion.

Sportsbeat 2024